Thursday, March 27, 2014

It's 'bout time we spoke.

This first sentence is killing me!  You know how many first sentences I wrote and deleted only to state the obvious?  About five or six, seven tops.  Why the struggle?  I started with one sentence, all bombastic asshole-like and another making me want to punch a priest in the liver. I opted for the no brainer.  It rings with the air of humility I needed to accept before I ever put pen to paper.  I'm struck with how anachronistic that sounds now, pen to paper.  It's still apt at times, I'm sure. It's not too far gone like the rotary phone or squeezing aluminum foil on the cathode ray tube television antennae.  Pen to paper still works well. Thinkers who need to put their thoughts into words know the poignancy of pen to paper. Artist, and romantics, the pragmatic and unskilled. They know pen to paper, a contrarian wouldn't.  I suppose.

By the way, I know the footstep sounds I hear, late at night, are from my upstairs neighbors. Good people.  Anyway, I know where the sounds are coming from and can rationalize the situation, but damned if the noises don't scare the shit out of me at times.  Almost makes a man wanna sleep with the lights on.

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